Friday, August 20, 2010

Had TA orientation yesterday

Turns out that I missed a few important things I had to get done. Ah well, live and learn. Working on my 20x20 presentation, but seems internet is being pathetic. The printer will cost me another 7 bucks, but probably not a bad thing as it means if internet goes down again, i can still make printouts. My car caused much anxiety as it only arrived today, and I discovered there was no real time for me to pick it up in. Thomas and Lauren will retrieve it Monday, and I will come down immediately, have dinner with them, drive back up, sleep. Maybe I should have them do it Tuesday as I will have presentations to do... Actually, not a prob, because I will have the train ride over to do that or nap. Yes, the next day may be interesting.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Things going well

I can't wait to get my car, but wish it had come earlier so i would have had more time to find and set up heavier items. Oh well. I need to update the videos I've taken of the place and finish setting up, which may get into the school year as much as I hoped to avoid that. On the plus side I have become quite comfortable with downtown try, and oddly today was wondering/regretting all the places I didn't even think of to apply to. That's what I get for having friends studying abroad.

Friday, August 6, 2010

the second half
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My first Shabbat by myself in my own place. Muscat Dessert wine from Israel, cheese and Brocolli+Ricotta pizza slices, and Challah
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Monday, August 2, 2010

im racking up the foursquare pseudo-points...

just arrived at the Newark terminal and have abou forty fivg minutes to kill before the penultimate portion of my journey. just this flight and a cab drive to go, and then i have to pfobably locate food, furniture, internet access, school info, wait for packages to arrive, host friends, and eventualy pick up my car from new jersey. i have no doubts that i skipped a few important notes there. on a different note; the several-hour-long night is an interesting phenomenom when crossing time zones

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Anyone Remember The Bastard Fairies?

Every now and then I just have to go listen to The Bastard Fairies album, Momento Mori. Anyone else enjoy it? I keep catching new meanings, and the lyrics certainly are provocative.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Less than two weeks

Oh look, a blog post. Might as well seeing that I love talking to myself about things that happen to myself. Any spectator enjoyment is incidental.

Getting to the point... Got my tickets on Continental for Aug 1st. Need to organize my car to be shipped tomorrow. I def think I will have all my packing under control. Need to seal up some boxes and figure out what I will still use at the last second.

Let the leaving/partying/byebyes commence